Trojan Station RV Park Rules

Guidelines for an Enjoyable Stay

General Park Rules

  • No more than 2 vehicles per site. Do not park in vacant sites.
  • Fireworks and firearms are not allowed.
  • The RV must be in good physical condition.
  • The RV cannot be more than 20 years old.
  • No tents allowed.
  • It is against state law to drain grey water on the ground.
  • We do not allow school bus conversions, homemade trailers, etc. The RV must be manufactured and certified as an RV.
  • Illegal drugs and alcohol
    • Illegal drugs and use of illegal drugs are not allowed in the park.
    • Alcohol is permitted in your camper or on your site.
    • Intoxicated behavior is not permitted in the park.
  • Bicycles
    • Do not ride bikes at night.
    • Children with bikes must be supervised by their parents and wear helmets.
    • Do not ride bikes on someone else’s site.
  • Children
    • Children must be under the supervision of their parents or an adult.
    • Parents are responsible for the conduct of their children.
    • Do not let children play in firepits.
    • Make sure they understand and obey all park rules.
  • Pets
    • All pets must be kept on a leash at all times if outside of the RV.
    • No unattended pets allowed at any time.
    • Pet owners are required to clean up after their pets.
    • Vicious or noisy pets are not allowed on the premises.
    • If any animal is unruly, the owner must take it off the property immediately.
    • A walk area for pets will be developed soon and, if available, must be used.
  • Guest of a Camper
    • Please respect the area of others by sharing the park rules with your guests.
    • If your guest is not following the rules, you may be asked to leave the park with them.
  • Liability and Property:
    • Assumption of Risk: Guests acknowledge and agree that they park their recreational vehicles (RVs), motorhomes, and all personal property at their own risk.
    • No Liability: [RV Park Name] shall not be held liable for any theft, disappearance, or damage to RVs, motorhomes, personal property, or any other belongings while on the premises, regardless of the cause. This includes, but is not limited to, damage from weather, accidents, vandalism, or the actions of other guests.
    • Personal Insurance: Guests are strongly encouraged to maintain adequate personal insurance coverage for their RV, motorhome, and all personal property.

Trojan Station is a Family oriented RV Park!

  • Violation of the above rules will make you subject to being asked to leave the Park.
  • Not paying your rent within 3 days of the due date will subject you to a $50 late fee.
  • Not paying your rent within 5 days of the due date will subject you to a $100 late fee.
  • Not paying your rent within 10 days of the due date will subject you to being trespassing and you will be asked to leave the park. Any exception to this must be approved in writing by the Park Manager prior to the violation.